$modelBanner = Banner::whereRaw("delete_flag= 0 AND visible= '0'")->get() Output: select * from `banners` where del...
Useful resource
GIT: -- https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in UI/UX: v4 -- Realtime colors: https://realtimecolors.com -- Font Pair: https://www.fontpair.co/a...
UI/UX Resources
NOTE: v1 -- icons.getbootstrap.com/ -- boxicons.com/ -- github.com/biati-digital/glightbox -- remixicon.com/ -- swiperjs.com/ -- michalsni...
Laravel 10 With Breeze Authentication
Environment requirement -- PHP 8.0.30 -- node v18.16.0 -- laravel 10 1. Create your project. -- composer create-project laravel/l...
Laravel 10 With Tailwindcss install and configuration
Environment requirement -- PHP 8.0.30 -- node v18.16.0 -- laravel 10 1. Create your project. -- composer create-project laravel/lar...
Fix: VPN Error ” A Connection To The Remote Computer Could Not Be Established” In Windows 10 / 11
Screen Shot. Source: https://thegeekpage.com/fix-vpn-error-a-connection-to-the-remote-computer-could-not-be-established-in-windows-10/
Hierarchy SQL
SQL Question: Table Design: SQL Answer: WITH RECURSIVE ctex AS ( SELECT id, id AS emp_hierarchy, full_name FROM mi_staff UNION ALL SEL...
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