Autofile create and write inside
@echo off
@echo This is a test> test.txt
@echo 123>> test.txt
@echo 245.67>> test.txt
set /p DUMMY=Press ENTER KEY to EXIT.
Autofile create and write inside
@echo off
(echo this is in the first line) > xy.txt
(echo this is in the second line) >> xy.txt
Input type in Batch File
@echo off
echo Welcome Ram Pukar
set /p x=Enter some text a:
set /p y=Enter some text b:
set /a c=%x%+%y%
echo A = %x% B = %y% Total %c%
set /p DUMMY=Press ENTER KEY to EXIT.
Paramter Input Cron Job Command Execute Bat File
@echo off
echo Welcome
set /p method=Type Method Name:
set /p database=Type Database Name:
set /p apicode=Type API Code:
"E:\xampp\php\php.exe" index.php %method% %database% %apicode%
set /p DUMMY=Press ENTER KEY to EXIT.
Note: Batch file name (.bat)
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