Docker Run, Pull, Push and Installation

# Docker Common CLI
-- docker container prune # remove all container stop.
-- docker ps -a # all Active container show.
-- docker images # all images listed.
-- docker run -it --rm node OR docker run -it node OR docker run -it --rm node bash
    1. The flag --rm is used when you need the container to be deleted after the task for it is complete.
    2. PWD is an environment variable that your shell will expand to your current working directory.
        -v /home/youruser/somedir:/usr/src/app
-- docker run -v ${PWD}:/app -w /app node node welcome.js
# How To Express Install Your Docker
-- docker run -v ${PWD}:/app -w /app -it node npm init
-- docker run -v ${PWD}:/app -w /app -it node npm install express
-- docker run -v ${PWD}:/app -w /app -it -p 3000:3000 node node index.js
# How to Install and Run Wordpress
-- docker run wordpress
-- docker run -it --rm -d -p 8080:80 wordpress OR docker run -it --rm -d -p 8080:80 wordpress
-- docker run -d -p 8080:80 wordpress # Alter ways run wordpress.
-- http://localhost:8080
# Default Bridge Network.
-- docker run -it busybox
-- hostname -i
-- ping
-- docker inspect <bb935df5d546> # Busybox Network Show All Details.
# Docker Command And Management.
-- docker --help
# How To MySQL Pull And Run In Your System.
-- docker pull mysql
-- docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql # Start MySQL Server Instant.
-- sudo docker exec -it some-mysql bash
-- mysql -u root -p
-- docker stop <50fba9263960>
-- docker rm <50fba9263960>
# How To Delete images
-- docker image rm mysql
# How PostGresSQL Install And Connect.
-- docker pull postgres
-- docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres
-- docker exec -it some-postgres psql -U postgres -W postgres
# Setup postgres and pg-admin in docker compose
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